Too many times we spend our days focusing on the pain or aggravations of daily living, and we forget to find small things to be thankful for that are right in front of us. Experts tell us that the effort to change our outlook changes not only our overall mental health but our physical health as well. November is the month to focus on those things and people who make us happy. So let’s begin the month with being thankful!
Everyone chose to move to GMC for different reasons, but the end result, thankfully, is a chance at a purposeful lifestyle with fewer burdens. In the spirit of thankfulness, here are seven good reasons one might appreciate GMC:
Being thankful that someone else is cooking and cleaning.
Being thankful for the array of choices available for fun and friendship.
Being thankful for not having to fix a leaky faucet, overflowing toilet, or bother family to come do that.
Being thankful for caring staff who will help in emergencies and save your loved one another trip over to check on you.
Being thankful for the new driver-Richard, and all the IICC services available to us!
Being thankful for friends and family.
Being thankful for one more Thanksgiving!
Care to give me a list of things you are thankful for?