Will You Really Need A Geriatrician When You’re 65?
In December, the Washington Post published an article about the need for, and use of, geriatricians by those who are retired. “Geriatricians are patient centered,” said Laurie Jacobs, a geriatrician and president of the American Geriatrics Society. “They are internists on steroids – they know about medical problems but know a lot more about people.
They are good listeners and involved with the whole person. Geriatricians learn a lot of neurology and psychology because our patients tend to have a lot of neurologic disease who also need primary care. A specialist can evaluate and make the diagnosis, but can’t help organize all the care you need which is what geriatricians do. Their aim is to keep you as independent as possible.”
It was an interesting article primarily because retirement typically means Medicare and the inevitable onset of physical decline that signals the need for doctors who specialize in complex medical problems of the elderly. “For those who are frail and have multiple health conditions requiring many medications, a geriatrician might be the best choice,” says Dr. Jacobs. But there is a shortage of geriatricians in the United States, so getting in to see one can present a big problem.
This is where being a resident at GMC can help. We have ‘connections’ and possible solutions. If you see yourself going to multiple physicians and/or having appointments several times week after week, maybe it’s time to start asking about an easier way to get your health needs covered. Maybe we can help make it easier for you.
January is usually a quiet, stay-at-home month for seniors. We don’t ski anymore. We don’t ice skate or build snowmen. That doesn’t mean we can’t put a little fun into our month. With several restaurant outings this month, plus the renowned Annette Keys entertaining us at the Birthday Party, and an Epiphany Party hosted by a resident, there is plenty of socializing to be done. We will cook individual calzones with Chef Ken, and ‘klatch’ over coffee with Rose. Plus, we can work off those holiday calories with any of the multiple exercise classes we have or join our “Route 66 Walkers” and mark off the miles until we reach California. All this is in addition to the usual monthly activities and groups.
So if you live here, use this month to get out and do something of your choice. If you don’t live here…it’s time to rethink that! Call for a tour with Paula!
(Read the article by clicking this link…)